This is an old movie, and normaly I don't have a problem with that, but I have to admit that this time it really caused some problems for me in understanding the movie. Once again the film touches upon such subjects as the Cold War and Red Scare. The story revolves around a Korean war POW who comes home after being brainwashed by the Communists.
I think that it was an excellent film over fifty years ago, but having seen it in the 21st century I found it a little naive. I still liked how it shows that a human mind can be manipulated so easily though. And I'm glad I watched it because I got to see oneof the first Hollywood Kung Fu fights. That scene cracked me up.
Favorite quote: "Have you ever noticed that the human race is divided into two distinct and irreconcilable groups: those that walk into rooms and automatically turn television sets on, and those that walk into rooms and automatically turn them off. The trouble is that they end up marrying each other".
Interesting fact: A scene where Laurence Harvey jumps in Central Park lake was shot on the coldest day in 30 years. They had to break the foot-thick ice on the lake with a bulldozer before the scene could be shot.
Interesting fact: A scene where Laurence Harvey jumps in Central Park lake was shot on the coldest day in 30 years. They had to break the foot-thick ice on the lake with a bulldozer before the scene could be shot.
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