For those of you who have been wondering why I stopped blogging.
There have been a lot of changes in my life, and the major one is my husband and I expecting a baby. We never stopped watching IMDb Top 250 movies, as a matter of fact we're done with the list. It was a great experience, and, without a doubt, changed my perception of movies and life in general.
Right now I feel that I have to focus on more important things. Sadly, I have only reviewed 27 per cent of the movies, and I do feel bad about it. However, I'd rather not do it at all, than do a bad job and review the movies just so that I can say that I've accomplished my goal.
May be one day I'll get back to it, but we all know that most likely I won't. So feel free to unfollow me, there will be no updates in the nearest future. And thanks to those who took their time to read and to comment!